Planned Giving
Every person who enters our halls has a special relationship with The Wilson School. Making provisions for a planned gift is a great way to pay tribute to your unique Wilson experience and leave a legacy to this exceptional educational institution.
A Planned Gift, or bequest, is a future gift made through a donor’s will that takes effect at or after their passing. With a Planned Gift, both gift and estate taxes are avoided, and the donor does not have to part with any property or assets until after death. Distributions can be made at a specific dollar amount or as a percentage of the estate. Examples of Planned Gifts include:
All planned giving donors will be included in the Mabel Wilson Society. This group will ensure the legacy of our founder, an innovative educator and loving woman. Wilson School’s Official Legal Bequest Language I give to The Wilson School, a nonprofit educational institution located at 400 DeMun Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63105, and incorporated under the laws of the State of Missouri, the sum of $XXX OR the following described property OR a designated percentage of my estate, to be used for its general educational purposes. Wilson School Tax I.D. Number 43-6099964 The Mabel Wilson Society Founder’s Circle
Herbert Atherton* Catherine and Hal* Faught Ashley George Gill and Scott Gill Steven C. Shepley The Thomas Hill Ward Foundation *Deceased Have you already made provisions for The Wilson School in your estate planning? Let us know! Contact Kate Poss-Morency at [email protected] or call 314-725-4999. |
Thank you for considering The Wilson School as a beneficiary of your gift. The Wilson School is a tax-exempt institution under Section 501(c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code. We are organized and operate exclusively for educational purposes. Gifts to Wilson qualify for the highest income deduction permitted under Federal and Missouri law.
For more information, contact Kate Poss-Morency, Director of Development at (314) 725-4999. |