Physical Education
The physical education program at The Wilson School is designed to give students confidence to participate in a variety of activities and sports. An appreciation of personal health and fitness is a key element of the program. The goal of the physical education program is to foster the personal desire to develop and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.
Pre-kindergarten through senior-kindergarten classes focus on spatial awareness, locomotor movements, body control, and balance. Manipulative skills, such as throwing, catching, and dribbling, are introduced. Health-related concepts and behaviors are integrated into the curriculum through games. Students in first through sixth grade participate in a variety of activities and games that are designed to promote cardiovascular fitness. Activities to increase muscular strength and endurance are also incorporated. Students are tested in many areas of fitness, set personal goals, and then work to improve or maintain throughout the year. Basic sport skills and concepts are presented and practiced by all grades. Sportsmanship and cooperation are reinforced during every lesson. As students in first through third grade progress, sport skills are integrated into lead-up games. In grades fourth through sixth, game play, rules, and strategy are introduced. |