The Excellence Program
The Excellence Program was the brainchild of Hal and Catherine Faught. Hal was the grandfather of two Wilson alumni. Catherine continues to be a beloved supporter of Wilson.
In 2006, the Faughts pledged a $2 million endowment to The Wilson School – the largest single gift to an academic program ever given in Missouri history to an elementary school. Through this generous planned gift, the Excellence Program at Wilson was created.
Currently, the program is funded through a dollar-for-dollar matching grant. This program allows us to live the Faughts’ mantra every day at Wilson with our students and staff. Through the generosity of the Faughts, Wilson parents, grandparents, alumni, and friends, the Excellence Program sets The Wilson School apart from all other elementary schools throughout the St. Louis region.
To make an online charitable contribution to this program, click here.
The Excellence Program supports professional development for faculty, the expansion of the library’s collection, community speakers and innovative programming for our students, including an exclusive writing partnership with Washington University.
"Do everything with a spirit of excellence."
Hal and Catherine Faught