What is MYMAGO?
The school motto is Make Your Mark A Good One, also known by its acronym, MYMAGO. Each year this motto is expanded to a school-wide theme helping students realize how their contributions can make a difference in relationships, in the school, and in the community. Furthermore, it helps inspire the Wilson community to appreciate the contributions of other individuals and cultures throughout the world. The theme is also represented on a t-shirt that is worn by students and teachers at monthly assemblies, and via an all-school art piece that is created and displayed throughout the year.
Make Your Mark A Good One
- by showing respect
through acts of service
- by showing courage
- by showing gratitude
- by showing fairness
- by being a good citizen
- by being a caring person
- by being responsible
- by being trustworthy
The Award is designed to recognize MYMAGO and support a student for actions they exhibit that are above and beyond the current theme for the school year. A student in the third through fifith grade is eligible to be chosen for actions that reflect one or more of the MYMAGO themes.